Saturday, July 31, 2010

Coming Soon!

Chasing The Stars: A Night Photography Tutorial

Part I - Introduction & Tools
Introduction - My Philosphy
Single Exposures vs. Stacked - When, Why?
Tools - Cameras, Lenses, Gear, & Applications

Part II - Trip Planning & The Night
Trip Planning - What, Where, When, & How Long?
Composition - Polaris, Stars, & Foreground
Test Shots - Default Settings (custom settings)
ISO & Aperture Considerations
The Shot - What to do?

Part III - Post Processing
RAW Processing - ACR/Lightroom/Aperture/etc.
Startails - Stacking & Foreground Replacement
Viveza 2 - General Ideas for Night Photography
Dfine 2.0 - General Ideas for Night Photography

Please let me know if there are any specific aspects of night photography that you'd like to hear about that I may have missed here!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I haven't forgotten! I'm just busy right now...

I would like to get some feedback from some photographers on what they'd like to see here. Here are some ideas on possible posts in the near future:

  • How night photography (noctography as I like to call it) helps you learn faster
  • Multi-part tutorial series on night photography (noctography). From gear, to shooting, to general post-processing
  • Tutorial on using Viveza 2
  • A "What's in my bag?" post discussing my gear and the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind having it
  • Review of the Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX DG IF HSM
  • Multi-part series on how to use weather tools to catch the right scene

Of course there are many other possibilities and at some point I'll probably hit all of these topics, but for now I'd like to know what YOU want to read about!

Cheers for now!

Crowning Jewel - from my most recent photography outing

Friday, July 23, 2010

Back by popular demand!

It's been forever since I've blogged and I've had a lot of great learning experiences in the past few months that I'd like to share. In the coming weeks/months I hope to post several new reviews, tutorials, and trip logs.

In the meantime, if you live in the Pacific Northwest and are on Facebook I would encourage you to stop by our new photography group PNW Photography. We are constantly planning photography outings and trips, and the more the merrier!

Stay tuned!